Monday, May 9, 2011

I Love Mondays - Cake, cake and more cake!

I had a fabulous weekend - and I hope all of you wonderful mothers out there did too! Since I'm a doggy-mom, my sweet fiance took me to my favorite Tex-Mex joint for lunch, and then we commenced with some wedding planning activities. And you know what? We had a blast!

Our first stop post-lunch was a local beachside hotel that is currently under consideration as the venue for our wedding. While I've been to this hotel many times and have done multiple events there, my fiance had not and it was great to see the space through his fresh perspective. We both really like it, and can imagine ourselves along with our family and friends there, so we've added it to the short list.

Next stop: wedding registry. I thought that we would have fun, but I didn't anticipate how MUCH fun it would be! We had so much fun that mr. fiance commented that he should get married more often. That drew a laugh from me, and sideways glances from our fellow shoppers...hehehe. Needless to say, mr. fiance got to hold the zapper/gun/thingy while I got to point to the items we need and tell him how many of each to add to the list. **Note to our future guests - we might have gotten a tad carried away with the zapping, so we're going to edit the list before making it public.**

Finally, (and here's where I'll get to the point of today's post) we stopped at a local bakery to try some of their tasty delights. Again, I've been to this bakery, used their services for weddings, and may have tasted a bite (or two or three) of their goods before, but my sweets-loving fiance had not. There was a bit of a line, but that gave us time to decide what flavors to try: vanilla bean frosting on vanilla cake for him, vanilla bean frosting on chocolate cake for me (we are WILD, aren't we?). The verdict: YUM, definitely serving their cake at our wedding. In fact, why stop at just one cake, when you can have multiple? And therein lies the plan - we'll have multiple cakes in varying flavors and design. Now we just need to go back to the bakery and officially "taste" them and make final decisions. Oh, it's a rough life, but someone's gotta do it!

So, in anticipation of the big cake reveal, some of my favorites from around the web:

martha stewart weddings via this is glamorous

via the






martha stewart weddings via this is glamorous

Happy Monday!

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