Monday, May 6, 2013

On Branding and Websites...

Over the past few months I've been going through the process of having my website overhauled.  A few years back, when my old site first went up, I was totally in love with it.  The colors were current, and I thought it was the bees knees.  Over time, though, I fell out of love.  Despite the fact that I always received very positive comments about the design, I thought it looked dated, and no longer reflected me or my brand.  There was also no consistency between my website, blog, twitter, Facebook and Pinterest - you might click from one to the other of my social media forums and not even realize it was me (and that's just the visual side of it).  It was time for a gigantic re-do.

Branding is tricky business (at least for me it is).  When I first got started with this process, my thinking was that if I branded myself, I would be stuck in a rut wedding-wise, planning the same weddings over and over.  As I've gone through the process (which involves a lot of soul searching and being honest about what appeals to me, what sings to me, and what best reflects me), I've realized that rather than looking at it as pigeon-holing myself, it's best to look at it in terms of the service I offer my clients.  I've come to realize that staying true to who I am as a planner benefits my clients hugely.  While this sounds like a lot of me, me, me, I think it's important to start there - because if I'm being authentically me, telling potential brides and grooms about me and my services, in the end, it really serves them better than if I am not clear about who I am, how I work, how I can help.

Soon, very soon, the new website will launch.  I'm so excited to share it!  I decided to give a very small sneakity-peek with the new blog header, which is my new logo.  I'm in love.  When I look at it, I think it speaks volumes as to who I am, and I can't wait to put it in the larger context of all areas where I have a web presence.

I can't wait to share with you - stay tuned!!


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